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St Helen, Darley Dale, Derbyshire

18/03/2015: For some reason I didn't take a full shot of the outside of St Helen's. Maybe I was distracted by the lovely table tombs just outside the porch, including one to a Huguenot weaver showing tools of their trade.

The churchyard has a number of stone coffins lying around, one seeming to have a lid alongside and another which is so narrow I wonder if it was ever intended for a whole body. Maybe just someone's bones? The porch is filled with old grave slabs... OK, it's a small porch, nothing like the collection at Bakewell but filled nevertheless.

St Helen's has several early grave markers with lead filled letters. The letters appear to be square cut before filling with lead. Of course these may have been refilled in the time since they were first made. At the date of the earliest of these stones, Isaac Newton was three years old and Charles I had four years to live.

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